Racism Won’t Allow Boko Haram, ISIS Corporation– US Intelligence

According to NBC News, US Intelligence report suggests that racism will keep ISIS operating in Northern Africa from teaming up with Boko Haram.

Long before ISIS militants beheaded Christians on a Libyan beach last week, Nigeria’s Boko Haram was carrying out similar atrocities 1,500 miles to the south. Now that ISIS is operating in northern Africa, will the Syria-based organization join forces with the continent’s largest Islamist terror group was the question in everyone’s lips.
U.S. intelligence officials disagree. They suggest one obstacle. Racism.
“The Arab world is incredibly racist, a U.S. intelligence official explained. They don’t see black Africans as equivalent to them.

“ISIS may show affinity with Boko Haram but they stop short of allegiance. Moreover, while Boko Haram has in the past year released videos to show affiliation with groups like ISIS, there is no evidence of either group sending members to fight with the other. And while Boko Haram has praised ISIS and shown the ISIS flag in videos, ISIS has not reciprocated.”


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