The Beast

Before the assassination of  John F Kennedy, moving around in open cars was the trend for United States Presidents because it not only made it possible for the public to see their head of state, but was also a way of promoting the country's good sense of fashion and luxury.

But it all changed after the president John F. Kennedy was assassinated. Ever since then, presidents were strictly conveyed in a kind of car called Beasts.

However, the presidential limo of the head of states in America, Donald Trump, is called "the beast " because of its unusual security features.

Below is the list of those features:

Codenamed “Stagecoach, the president’s limo is loaded with armor, gear, and other cool stuff:

1. Bulletproof and reenforced doors, windows and walls:

2. Grenade launchers in front:

For defense when attacked the limo sports an external grenade launcher at the rear part of the armored car.

3. Health equipments and fire extinguisher:

For treatments in cases of an emergency, the limo has been equipped with first aid materials, a mini fridge holding bags of the President's blood for emergency transfusions.

4. A well trained and highly skilled chauffeur(driver):

The driver of the president's limo is a highly skilled driver who has the ability to safely move him around, even in times of attack.

5. Reenforced tyres:

The vehicle has the ability to still keep moving when its tyres are punctured, making it almost unstoppable. It sports a run flat Goodyear tyres, that can not be stopped by a last-ditch police tactic – or running over anti-vehicle spikes.

6. Under the vehicle is totally covered:

To protect against bombs planted on the ground, beneath the limo is plated with steel to stay protected while on road.


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