Pilot reveals details of averted plane crash
Details of the recent averted plane crash involving the Presiding Bishop of the Winners Chapel, Bishop David Oyedepo and his wife has been revealed by the pilot of the aircraft Captain Samuel Adegoga. Narrating how the accident happened , a pastor in the church, Adebisi read the report from the aircraft’s pilot during a thanksgiving service on Friday. “The main malfunction we had in the Cyprus-Israel flight was a stabilizer twin-motor failure. During the said flight that we had the twin motor failure, the auto-pilot could no longer exert the desired pressure to keep the aircraft in the required altitude for stability flight. “The captain disconnected the auto-pilot, took and returned the aircraft to the required altitude for that phase of the flight. Because the aircraft was out of trim during this takeover, the aircraft abruptly pitched off with much pitch force. ” The captain counteracted it with a pitch down force. These counter forces caused turbulence and mo...
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